Fire & security solutions under one roof

Building a new safe and secure nation

Gas suppression Systems ensure rapid, through and economical response to fire. It protects facilities containing valuable corporate assets from people and processes to equipment and software. They combine the benefits of clean agent systems and active fire protection with people-safe, environmental friendly performance. It discharges as a gas hence leaving no residue to damage sensitive equipment. This enables you to get back to normal business operations faster after a fire.
Applications of Fire Suppression Systems are:
CO2 systems are the preferred choice as an extinguishant for a multitude of critical facilities. Fast, efficient and adaptable to a wide range of hazards, the discharge of carbon dioxide [a low-cost clean agent] is non-damaging to property and electrically non-conductive. Multi-Hazard Protection can be designed to provide automatic, simultaneous discharge for a variety of hazards and configurations. Generally CO2 systems are used in Power generation, Metal Production & Processing, Electronics operation, Electronics/Computer Production & Cement Plant.
Low-pressure CO2 systems and equipment are best suited for applications where large quantities of CO2are needed. A high-pressure system is recommended for smaller hazards or where space is limited.
The INERGEN Fire Suppression System protects enclosed areas where people may be present, fire may strike day or night, and damage from conventional agents cannot be tolerated. Upon discharge,INERGEN agent fills the room, mixing with the air to suppress fires quickly and effectively. Safe for people, INERGEN agent is non-synthetic and made of naturally occurring gases: nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide. Once discharged, it returns to the atmosphere in its natural state.
INERGEN agent is free of residues and corrosive by-products that may produce further property damage. And because it poses no ozone depleting or global warming threat, INERGEN agent will never be subject to future legislative bans.
FM 200 is a waterless fire suppression system that can be used as an alternative to Halon 1301. FM 200 also provides an environmentally safe, non-toxic product that requires no clean-up, and can be used in rooms that have anything from computer servers to art and history collections.
FM-200 is another clean agent fire extinguishing medium used for the protection of data processing and telecommunication facilities. FM-200 requires a concentration range of between 6.25 percent and 9.0 percent for effective fire extinguishment. The upper limit of 9 percent concentration is the maximum allowable by the EPA without the need for a mandated egress time.FM-200 leaves no residue or deposits upon discharge and can be removed from an area with simple ventilation.
FM-200 is stored in cylinders as a liquid. The cylinders are pressurized with nitrogen which acts as a propelling mechanism for the discharge of the agent. As the agent reaches the discharge nozzle it is vaporized and floods the hazard area as a gas. An FM-200 system can provide an effective fire extinguishing medium with modular hardware that requires minimal space for installation and a most effective means of fire suppression.
This is the newest and most environmentally friendly synthetic agent available today, with a zero ozone depletion factor and a global warming potential of just one. It is an excellent fire suppression agent for protection of sensitive equipment, valuable articles, and critical processes. Piping systems are generally quite simple in design, less intrusive for retrofit installations. It is generally used in situations where water from a fire sprinkler would damage expensive equipment or where water-based fire protection is impractical, such as museums, banks, clean rooms and hospitals.
FE-13 is an alternative to Halon 1301 for protecting large rooms, flammable liquid storage, turbine enclosures, high ceiling structures and low temperature environments. Low temperature environments include: locomotives, mining equipment and unheated storage. FE-13 has the lowest toxicity of any other clean agent.
Due to its low toxicity, FE-13 can be used in areas that are normally occupied. This makes it useful in total flood applications such as a control room where people occupy the protected space during discharge of the system.
As with other clean agents, FE-13 can be used in any area with high valued electronics such as computer facilities, battery rooms and telecommunications facilities. It also has many industrial applications including unheated storage areas.
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