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A fire alarm system is different from a fire fighting system; its purpose is to inform all humans in the building that there is a fire via an audible alarm, so that they may evacuate the building. Generally a fire alarm system is required only in important and public buildings (as per Indian Codes in 2008). However it is better to provide it.
Synergy Firesec Provide Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of following type of fire alarm and detection system for residential, commercial and industrial buildings:
Conventional systems are simply switches that are either “ON” or “OFF”. If there is no smoke or heat they do nothing. If there is a certain, pre-set level of smoke or heat, they switch into the 'Alarm' state. Devices are connected to one circuit, known as a zone, and each circuit is connected to a control panel. If a conventional detector goes into alarm, the control panel will be able to identify which zone has gone into alarm, but will not have the exact location of the fire or which device went into alarm, hence it is one way communication. Conventional systems are used mainly in small areas where less number of devices is required like small offices.
Addressable fire alarm systems have constant two-way communication between the control panel and the detectors in the field. Each detection device on an analogue addressable system has its own unique address within the system and the control panel is able to identify each device individually in the case of a fire or a fault. In analogue addressable system if any detection device goes into alarm control panel identify the address and exact location of the individual device. Analogue addressable system generally used in large buildings, Airports, Malls etc.
Wireless fire alarm systems connect detectors and call-points to the control panel using wireless signals.
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